Experiencing Financial Difficulty? We are here to help!
At Killarney Credit Union Ltd., we take pride in the service we provide to our member’s. The Board of Directors have a mission that in everything we do at Killarney Credit Union, the “Member Matters Most”. The Credit Control Committee (CCC) who are made up of board members are responsible for monitoring the loan book throughout the year and consider the recoverability of loans that have fallen into arrears. The committee also reviews policies and procedures on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are compliant with changes to laws and regulations, and sufficient to assist members who fall into arrears on a temporary basis but robust enough to pursue members who fail to engage in any way with the Credit Union. The principle aim of the committee is to ensure that all loans are recovered, and where possible interest is paid.
The Credit Control Department reports directly to the “CCC”. The staff within Credit Control carry out their duties following the policies and procedures as provided by the Credit Control Committee and approved by the board.
Killarney Credit Union Ltd. understand that every member who borrows from the Credit Union intends to repay their loans in full as agreed. It is however expected that most member’s circumstances will change during the term of the loan, and while our loan officers try to predict some of these changes at loan assessment stage, it is inevitable that some loans will fall into arrears. When this happens the Credit Control Department is here to help.
Early intervention with members who fall into arrears is very important and we would appeal to any of our members having trouble to contact our Credit Control team, who will examine their situation and advise them of the ways in which your Credit Union can help. The earlier the engagement the more options that are available. Our staff receive regular training and are very experienced in helping members in financial difficulty. Killarney Credit Union was there to provide the loan when you had a financial need, now that you are experiencing financial difficulty , we will continue to be there to support you!
We will also continue to work closely with consumer bodies and voluntary organisations such as MABS (Money Advice & Budgeting Service).
If you feel that you might need support with your loan, please contact Margaret on 064-6623734
Mortgage Arrears: If you have a mortgage with Killarney Credit Union, and are experiencing financial difficulty or expect that you will not be able to meet your payments as they fall due please click here.
SME Arrears: If you have a business loan with Killarney Credit Union Ltd., and are experiencing financial difficulty or expect to experience financial difficulty (pre-arrears) please click here